Halldór Laxness’ Independent People is a timeless tale of poverty and pride. Set in early twentieth-century rural Iceland, this epic novel tells the story of Bjartur, a sheep farmer, who is determined to escape the bonds of peasantry regardless of the cost to himself or his family. Bjartur’s brusque stubbornness often repels first-time readers, but there is more to him than meets the eye. Laxness’ description of the Icelandic countryside is both picturesque and awe-inspiring (it may even convince you that Maine winters are not so bad after all!). Beautifully written, Independent People is a classic not to be missed.
I agree with Jaime that “Independent People” is not to be missed. It is quite long, and requires patience, but it is well worth the effort. Through his Bjartur, Laxness portrays the ambiguous implications of a man (overly?) obsessed with the idea of independence–a subject, I think, that couldn’t be more timely today!