Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a pet that came from nowhere and ended up being loved by the whole world? Dewey is a heartwarming story for all ages that will make you think of any animal that ever needed a home. I have worked at the College Library since 1968 (when President Mills was a freshman!), and I have had beautiful Persian cats as pets at home for years, so I was so happy to read the charming book from our Children’s Corner, Dewey: There’s a Cat in the Library, by Vicki Myron and Bret Witter. In fact, I so loved the best-selling true story, published first as a book for adults by Vicki Myron, a librarian from Iowa, that I recommended this children’s book for the Library – and I bought a copy for myself, too! Dewey, the four-footed feline, was a kitten abandoned in a public library book-drop during the bitterest cold of winter. He survived to become a life-long library resident and favorite of patrons. Made famous by Vicki Myron’s book, he attracted visitors to his Iowa library from east and west – even the Far East (China) and Western Europe! His story will soon be on the ‘big screen’ in a feature film with a cast including Meryl Streep. I have long had to be a rescuer of strays and neighborhood feral cats, one of whom I named Dewey in his memory. But I love dogs, too, as Paul Franco and Jill Pearlman’s friend Reggie can tell you.
Thanks for pointing out this book, Pat–I will definitely read it! When I think about how many cats have been loved by you, it amazes me…
Any cat rescued by Pat Myshrall is a very lucky cat!