Divergent is the first of a three part series as well as the debut novel of Veronica Roth, who is based in Chicago, Illinois. Divergent follows the protagonist, Beatrice Prior, through a future dystopian Chicago. In this new world there are five factions of society and the story opens as she approaches “Choosing Day”, where she must decide which fraction she will align with. Divergent is incredibly addicting and a fast read similar in structure to the popular Hunger Games. In fact, movie rights have already been sold and I believe that Divergent and the following two books will become the next most popular series. For whatever reasons, people seem to be addicted to future dystopias where tensions run high between those who have power and those who long to control it. Divergent’s Chicago is almost a shadow world where the five factions live in constant balance between the “perfect society” and a few ragged groups competing for survival. I highly encourage anyone that was interested in The Hunger Games to read Divergent. It is so fast paced and full of action that you won’t want to put it down.