This past summer I read and really enjoyed a book titled, Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It is a memoir about a young woman who decides to hike the Pacific Crest Trail through California, Oregon, and Washington State. This book is all about Strayed’s reflection on the life she had before her journey and contains flashbacks in her life that show what led her to begin her adventure of hiking the PCT. It’s an adventurous, comedic, and sometimes over-dramatic depiction of her journey, and it is about how Strayed hopes to seek self-discovery on this trip through unknown territory and hopes to start over in some ways after everything that she has been through. Strayed has no prior experience hiking and there are many challenging moments she faces on the trail due to her lack of experience, but I enjoyed reading about her self discovery and how this trip turned out to improve her outlook on life and herself as a person.
I enjoyed reading this memoir because it is sarcastic and funny, but also truthful throughout the book. It is a great read for all ages and is a very entertaining read. I highly recommend it!