The Bowdoin Naturalists‘ mission is to help students feel at home in all lands through engaging with the natural world through reflection, exploration, art, and discussion. For a new display in the library, our members chose books that we feel further this mission. Our members’ interests span the sciences from ornithology to marine biology, so we included books from multiple fields, such as Avian Architecture, Mycophilia, and On Fishing At Sea. We also included old natural writing classics like Silent Spring and Sand County Almanac, as well as new classics like Braiding Sweetgrass and Gathering Moss. If you are interested in becoming an amateur naturalist but don’t know where to start, check out The Amateur Naturalist. If you are more interested in personal stories of connection with nature, The Colors of Nature or H is for Hawk might be for you. No matter your background or level of interest in nature, we hope these books can build the curiosity and love for the outdoors that our club values.
Written by Cora Dow ’24