Alida Snow, Circulation Assistant, HL Library is reading...

This Life is In Your Hands
By: Melissa Coleman

I’m easily lured to tales of pioneers who leave the comfortable and familiar to carve out lives on the frontier. I’m also fascinated by the U.S. counterculture movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Add my interest in organic gardening and a love of the Maine Coast, and this book becomes a must-read for me. Melissa …

Dan Robinson, Assistant Director of Annual Giving/Young Alumni is reading...

The Emperor of All Maladies
By: Siddhartha Mukherjee

Let me start by saying that I’m a hopeless addict to trashy fantasy and sci-fi novels. After finishing a particularly long and embarrassingly bad series I decided that it was time to push the boundaries of my comfort zone, so I committed to reading 10 non-fiction books before returning to my usual rubbish. To start, …

Martie Janeway, Alumni Relations is reading...

The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the fire that saved America
By: Timothy Egan

I’ve always been drawn to stories that have some sort of historical basis, whether fiction or non-fiction. The Big Burn by Timothy Egan, author of the National Book Award-winning The Worst Hard Time, offers up a riveting account of the 1910 forest fire that ravaged the Bitterroot Mountains in northern Idaho, western Washington, and Montana. …

Professor Toma is reading...

Raising Elijah : Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis
By: Sandra Steingraber

I am reading Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis by Sandra Steingraber. I heard about it by chance, and by now I’ve ordered all her other books. The author is a biologist and mother of two who writes about raising children in the age of chemical contamination. Our children face …

Jasmine Ross '14 is reading...

Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice for All Creation
By: Olivia Judson

This is a biology book written like an advice column. Animals or insects write in about about a relationship problem they are having and “Dr. Tatiana” writes back explaining why that certain species has developed a specific trait of sexual evolution over the generations. Even though the book is scientific it is written in a …