Mark Fisher, Manager of Environmental Health and Safety is reading...

One Man’s India
By: Arthur Stratton

I am currently reading a 1955 first edition of One Man’s India by Arthur Stratton, a Brunswick native, Bowdoin alum (’35) and English professor, and well-known traveler and author of the mid-twentieth century. To cite the dust jacket, the book is a “…personal record of a journey from Darjeeling to the Deccan, reflecting the life …

Professor Naculich is reading...

The Cairo Trilogy
By: Naguib Mahfouz

I am currently in the midst of the Cairo Trilogy,(Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, Sugar Street) by Naguib Mahfouz (Nobel Prize for Literature 1988). These three novels tell the story of three generations of an Egyptian family during the first half of the twentieth century. In an intensely patriarchal culture and against the political background …

Heather Hietala, Director of Stewardship Programs is reading...

American Grace
By: Robert Putnam and David Campbell

On my Kindle (something I first tried by borrowing one from the H-L Library), I’ve just finished American Grace by Robert Putnam (a Harvard prof) and David Campbell (a Notre Dame prof). It’s a fascinating book that examines religion in America with all our diversity, tolerance, or lack thereof. Based on extensive surveys and research, …