Ryan Strange '17 is reading...

The Opposite of Loneliness
By: Marina Keegan

I am currently reading The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan, a life taken too soon. Keegan was such a gifted writer. The words jump off of the page and I had to remind myself that the person who wrote these pieces was a young person, just like me! I am still amazed. For me, this work makes me think about who I am as a person, what I want to become in this world, and how I want to live life. Through her stories and essays, I realize more and more that life is a struggle for most. It will always pose unfathomable challenges right after the other. Furthermore, life can be equally wonderful through all these moments of growth.

Mariana Keegan instills a sense of wonder back into the reader’s life, something I appreciate in a writer. Going through Bowdoin, I feel that it can both easy and hard to maintain this sense of wonder, truly believing one can do anything and one is limitless. Keegan’s writing definitely gave me something to think about, which I’m grateful for. I feel that anyone who is interested in reading work that has so much potential and encompassing what could have been should read this book. This book makes me think about who I am as a person, what I have done in my life already, and most importantly how I want to remember my life. The last concept is invaluable

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