Marilyn Reizbaum is reading...

The Un-Americans: Jews, the Blacklist, and Stoolpigeon Culture
By: Joseph Litvak

Joe Litvak is a former member of the Bowdoin English Department who left in 1999 to join Tufts’ English Department. His book revisits the aims and cultural effects of the House Un-American Activities Committee. JL considers the Jewish witness, so often before the committee, and how he came to be the embodiment of an epitomic …

Professor McCalla is reading...

The Sight of Death: An Experiment in Art Writing
By: T. J. Clark

I read a lot of art history and criticism partly because I like it, and partly because art scholars seem able to write simultaneously for the professional and non-professional, something less common among music historians. Part of this, of course, is that the painting sits there while you look at it, and can be more …

Professor Denery is reading...

The Dunwich Horror and Others
By: The Dunwich Horror and Others

I imagine there comes a moment in everyone’s life when they think to themselves, “I need to read the complete works of H.P. Lovecraft.” For me, that moment came last April and after a surprisingly difficult time I managed to track down the three volumes of his collected stories, At the Mountains of Madness, Dagon …