Professor Yepes is reading...

Eyes to See Otherwise / Ojos de otro mirar (A bilingual selection)
By: Homero Aridjis, edited by Betty Ferber and George McWhirter

Eyes to See Otherwise is a careful selection that offers a precious panoramic view of Aridjis’ poetry in Spanish from 1960 to 2001, with English versions by thirteen well-known translators. It documents the spiral progression from the clean free verse of “Unfolded Eyes”, Aridjis first book in 1960, to the complex meditative tone of his …

Jonas Calderon is reading...

The Frog Who Croaked Blue: Synesthesia and the mixing of the senses
By: Jamie Ward

This book is an account about a fascinating condition, synesthesia, in which music can have color, words can have taste, and time and numbers float through space. Ward takes the most recent research and uses it to develop theories of why it is certain people’s experiences with the world is extremely different from the normal …

Youle Kang is reading...

Boeing versus Airbus : the inside story of the greatest international competition in business
By: John Newhouse

John Newhouse’s Boeing Versus Airbus introduced me to the fascinating and dangerous world of air industry: the inside story of the greatest international competition in business. As America’s most succesful and admired corporation from inception, Boeing aircrafts dominated the commercial airplane market until the European startup Airbus entered the game in 1980s. Since then, it …

Jessica Kundrata is reading...

After Dark
By: Haruki Murakami

Though lesser-known than his masterpieces The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Kafka on the Shore, After Dark is another of Murakami’s brilliant novels with imaginative and thought-provoking prose and an unpredictable plot line. The story begins near midnight at a Denny’s in Tokyo with Mari, a quiet student who feels overshadowed by her attractive, popular sister. …

Professor Simon is reading...

The Tristan Chord: Wagner and Philosophy
By: Bryan Magee

More than any other of the great opera composers, Wagner studied philosophy, and he was greatly influenced by the main philosophical currents of mid-19th century Germany. Three philosophers in particular had an effect on his thinking and his work: Feuerbach, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, although the latter was perhaps more the influenced than the influencer. But …