Professor Potholm is reading...

Panicking Ralph
By: Bill James

[Professor Potholm is also reading “The Campaigners” by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles.] These books come from two different series from which I read and re-read a half dozen selections every year. “Panicking Ralph” is from the Harpur and Iles mystery series of Bill James who does the most intriguing and engaging (with almost Shakespearean word pictures) on …

Professor Jennings is reading...

By: Marilynne Robinson

Although no one but me would notice, I’m a little sheepish about recommending Marilynne Robinson’s new book, Home, given that in last month’s Bowdoin magazine I recommended the new president read Robinson’s earlier book Gilead. I do read other authors—really—but I love Robinson’s writing. Her language is exquisite and her stories are lovingly told. Home …